
If Christlikeness is the goal for us (and it is) then we must learn to forgive and stop holding onto the wrongs done to us. I’m not saying it’s easy, but the cross wasn’t “easy” for Jesus either.

It blows my mind when I stop and think of the love and mercy that God pours out on a daily basis for me...for my family and friends, for the church, and these are the people who live a pretty decent life.

But God doesn’t stop there. He pours it out for worst of the worst sinner who has done the unthinkable, the unimaginable, and horrific sin. God’s love knows no boundaries. Love is Who He is.

Christ died for all of us while we were YET sinners. He died for you and me BEFORE we were sinners. Now He offers something that absolutely BLOWS MY MIND!!!


How could God even want that? How could He desire to be in relationship and friendship with people who have committed the worst of the worst crimes?

It’s because He is Love. His love is powerful enough to take sins and turn them into something good for those who turn to Him. He is miraculous in the way He takes the evil things and turns them into something good.

Forgiveness is sometimes SOOOO very hard for us but that’s because we actually need more of God’s love to free us from the offense. We are desperate for God’s understanding and His compassion.

If you are struggling with forgiving someone who has hurt you or wronged you in any way, ask God to help you. Talk to Him about it and ask Him to reveal to you how HE forgave and covered the sins of mankind. I believe He will give you insights.

Maybe you are struggling with coming to Jesus because of the sins you have committed. There is no sin too great that He can’t or won’t forgive. You may feel the immense pressure and weight of it, but once you are set free from the burden and guilt of it, you will have SUCH a deep love for God that is indescribable. The thankfulness (and maybe even the pure shock) that He can still love you will humble you and cause you to worship and tell of His goodness in ways that others can’t.

There is no sin to great that the Lord can’t forgive. Speak to Him now...He’s listening and wants to help you.


Free From Self Loathing Because of Sin


To Young Moms