A God Focused Life with Rebecca Thompson

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Believing Is More Than Seeing

There wasn’t a real, physical river that flowed through Jerusalem yet there is a verse that says, “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” Psalm 46:4

God wants us to see beyond the physical limitations and experience what is in the spiritual realm.

You may not have a huge paycheck, yet you experience God’s provision time and time again.

You may not get a job promotion or an elevated title that says you are “somebody impressive,” yet you are called a child of God and the Lord elevates your kingdom assignment while on earth.

You may not have a fairy tale life with perfect people in your life yet you have a kingdom purpose to love the people in front of you and add as many people as you can to the family of God.

You may not receive the physical healing you are hoping for yet God shows you a higher calling and purpose while you limp.

You may not live to be 80 or 100 or 120 on this earth yet God promises you an eternal life with Him once you cross to the other side.

We have to dig a little deeper in the word in order to come up higher in the spirit. If your circumstances are ever making you doubt the goodness of God (or if there even IS a God) then you, my sweet friend, are looking at the physical realm….not the spiritual.

A few verses later in the same chapter it reads:

Be still and know that I am God….the Lord Almighty is with us. Psalm 46:10, 11

Trust the word and God’s promises over your physical eyesight and physical experiences. God is surely with you. Open your spiritual eyes to receive Him. 🕯️