Shame From Your Past Mistakes
Do you have a past that you are not proud of? Does your past embarrass you, making you pray to God that no one finds out what you've done? You try to start over but the memories bring such shame and regret that it pulls you down over and over again. You may even feel like you could never be used by God or never be trusted again because you're not able to even trust yourself!
Oh boy, do I know the feeling! Those feelings of shame and guilt kept me wallowing in self pity and self absorption for years! read that right; "self pity and self absorption." When we focus so much on our sin and the deeds of our past, our focus is not on the the things that can actually pull us out of the pit and help us live a better life. Whatever we focus on GROWS. So if we are constantly telling ourselves we will never be good enough or if we can never see past our mistakes, we will eventually feel like our life IS a mistake. Oh....what a terrible place to dwell.
God tells us in His word that He has a plan for us. He also says that it is a good plan to bring us PROSPERITY, not calamity. He tells us that each day is ordained for us. That means that each and every day we are alive, He has something very special for us....if are willing to embrace Him to find out what that is.
Each day is a gift.
Maybe we have mistakes. Maybe there have been addictions or bad relationships. Maybe you even have a blemished record, or have been prosecuted for your actions. Maybe your friends and family have turned their backs on you and you feel as if you are all alone. Let me speak truth into your life. You are NEVER alone. God sees you. Not only does God see you, He wants to help pull you out of that pit and get your eyes focused on the beautiful and meaningful life He wants for you. How?
God does some of His best work through His people called, "the church." Now, before you swipe away or close your browser because you have your own negative opinions about the church, please hear me out. First of all let me go ahead and say it.....the church is FULL of broken people with struggles, imperfections, and hardships just like you. The church has people on on all points of the spectrum. Some are going through the exact same doubts and insecurities that you may be facing. Some have learned how to overcome and are now willing to help others. Some people in the church are learning how to live a life of fulfillment and contentment because they have finally let go and let God heal their brokenness.
The church is simply a place where people from all walks of life and all types of pasts come to realize their need for Jesus. They understand that this world is broken and flawed and the power of sin overtakes every human being at some point in life. Because of that, Jesus paid the price and took the punishment for our sins. All we have to do is accept His gift to us. He died so we could live! When we invite Him into our lives, He teaches us how to focus on His promises and His goodness. He will actually live on the INSIDE of us giving us supernatural strength to overcome our sins and live a life that is meaningful and productive.
God wants to show us His way of living and He teaches us through people who have walked with Him and have experienced Him working in their lives. When our eyes are focused on the word and God's plan, the sins and the strongholds that once imprisoned us loosen their grip. They don't have the power to hold us down as they once did. God promises to turn our mistakes into powerful testimonies and He will turn our mistakes into something that can be used for good! It's the power of redemption. It's exchanging our ashes and piles of rubble for something beautiful and lasting. Life becomes about Jesus and Who He is and what He did for us rather than us focusing on our so called good deeds or bad deeds and our pitiful attempts at good works. Life was never meant to be about us. We were created by God and for God.
If you are gripped with shame or are weighed down by struggles with sin, I want to encourage you to reach out. Find someone who can listen to your heart with no judgement and will help you learn and live in the truth of who God made you to be! He has covered your mistakes and will heal your broken heart! He will make all things new...but you have to reach out to Him in response to His invitation.
(If you are struggling and need someone to talk to or give you counsel, I suggest "Isaiah 61 Ministries." For a donation, you can talk with someone (even through a private conference call) who will help you take your next steps in finding your purpose and healing from your past.